Thinking on that phrase “straight black men are the white people of black ppl” and I disagree.
Black men are the WHITE WOMEN of black ppl.
-they’re not THE oppressor but fuck if they don’t wanna be
-willing to dismiss/ never address the issues of black women but feels entitled to our labor
-wants an underpaid and over worked black woman as a maid and cook
-want black women to choose between being woman and being black.
-not really seeking to upset the power structure just moving themselves up in it- fine with black Women staying where we are
-“If im not the center of it, it doesn’t matter and you’re being divisive”
-“the white man is the enemy”- so ignore the ways I fuck you over
-less educated per capita but makes more money cause ethno-patriarchy.
-weaponizes white patriarchal desirability politics as a means to denigrate black women
-“what’s intersectionality”?
-intracommunally protected identity
-“if you focus on me you’ll get trickle down rights”
-not ok to address any of the former because then you’re a traitor to the movement
-black women take all my jobs/ opportunities cause of affirmative action
-not all ______
-gay/ trans rights is a distraction
Ashies and Beckys get along so well because of their mutual misogynoir.